Prerubral Field

In addition, we detected EGFP and S100B in forebrain neurons previously thought not to express S100B in the mouse, including neurons of primary motor and somatosensory neocortical areas, the ventral pallidum and prerubral field.  

2) Two types of ascending fibers arise from SP5i: Type I fibers are thick and distribute to the Po and to other regions of the midbrain, i.e., the prerubral field, the deep layers of the superior colliculus, the anterior pretectal nucleus, and the ventral part of the zona incerta.  

Extensive but more diffuse terminal fields were also present in the stratum cellulare externum of the posterior hypothalamus, the central periaqueductal gray, the prerubral field, and the lateral and ventrolateral tegmentum of the pons and medulla.  

Thus, the medio-caudal subdivision projects to the pontine nuclei, the prerubral field and the central lateral nucleus. All of these targets of GLv, the pons, prerubral field, and deep layers of the superior colliculus, are known to play a role in the coordination of head and eye movements.  

Lesser projections were observed to the intermediate layer of the superior colliculus, nucleus of the posterior commissure, and prerubral field.  

These fibers accumulated dorsomedially to the rostral pole of the substantia nigra where they formed a massive bundle that coursed through the prerubral field and ascended along the laterodorsal aspect of the medial fore-brain bundle in the lateral hypothalamus.  

Retrogradely labeled cells were observed in numerous oculomotor-related structures, including the prerubral field (rostral interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus), nucleus of Darkschewitsch, nucleus of the posterior commissure, deep superior colliculus, supraoculomotor ventral periaqueductal gray, contralateral paramedian pontine reticular formation, pontine raphe and dorsal medial pontine tegmentum medial to the abducens nucleus (purported to contain omnipause neurons), cell group Y, and the perihypoglossal complex (nucleus prepositus hypoglossi).  

Both retrograde and anterograde studies confirmed that the prearcuate cortex in the concavity of the arcuate sulcus, including the frontal eye field, and, to a lesser extent, suprarcuate rostral dorsal area 6 cortex and the dorsomedial convexity (area 9), project to the rostral interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus (riMLF) in the dorsal region of the prerubral field, nucleus of Darkschewitsch (ND), medial accessory nucleus of Bechterew (NB) and dorsomedial parvocellular red nucleus (dmPRN). The premotor area 6 and motor area 4 cortex, on the other hand, give rise to projections that target a larger portion of the parvocellular red nucleus, extending rostrally into the ventral region of the prerubral field, and a rather intense projection to the ND.  

Others join the ventral peduncle of LFB and enter ventromedial nucleus (thalami), while the remaining fibers continue caudally in the ventral peduncle to the mesencephalic prerubral field, central gray, substantia nigra, nucleus intercollicularis, reticular formation and pretectal nucleus posterodorsalis.  

A considerable number of the cerebellofugal fibers proceed more rostrally within the prerubral field and enter the thalamus by two routes.  

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